My Old Transformers 2 Review

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Eight years ago I made a video review of Transformers 2. In the video I expressed how outraged and offended I was over the blatant racism and use of overtly negative black racial stereotypes. I was beside myself. Granted, I may have been especially sensitive to the subject matter since my girlfriend of almost a year at the time just happened to be black. The twin autobots in the film were the embodiment of every negative and poisonous black youth stereotype you could muster including them being illiterate (no seriously, robots that couldn’t read) and a lack of intelligence. In the video I juxtaposed the positive portrayal of Jazz in the first film to highlight how offensive these characters were. instead of making these characters strong positive characters like Jazz, I said in the video they opted to portray them as “hood niggas” to highlight just how offensive those characters are. I refused to sugarcoat what I felt the movie did. I was angry. I used extremely ugly language to properly call out and label an extremely ugly situation the movie created with those characters.

That was 8 years ago and it seems everyone who watched my ENTIRE review understood it perfectly. However, this weekend, 8 years later, someone took that video and selectively picked out the 3 SECONDS where I used the phrase “hood niggas” while editing out all of the context of the video. Clearly the person had an agenda. They made their own 3-second video, of a review I did 8 years ago, obviously in an attempt to make it appear like I was saying something I was clearly saying the opposite of. It sickens me that I even have to write this “explanation”, but that’s the nature of trolls online today. I encourage you to watch the full true context of this nonsense, please view my full review here:

My objective was not to offend anyone, but rather to share my outrage with others and communicate just how offended I was as an individual over the reckless and heinous use of negative black stereotypes. The reason my review is still online today is because everyone who saw it viewed it in context and understood it as such. In 8 years I never received any complaints from anyone misunderstanding my point. I never heard from any viewers expressing they were offended or hurt by my use of the phrase in context. If anyone had, I would have removed the video EIGHT YEARS AGO. But now, when a bunch of people see it for the first time out of context in a 3 second selectively edited video, it becomes a different beast (and to some degree that’s understandable). Obviously, I feel terrible and am deeply sorry if anyone took offense or felt hurt by my choice of words. I hope in context it at least is clear that my intent was to express outrage over what I considered to be an unacceptable portrayal of an entire people group.

I know the trolls that create these sorts of things are just trying to get a reaction, and it sucks that they’ve succeeded in getting me to respond. It especially bothers me that I have to deal with these trolls the day after my friend died, and instead of being on the phone with my friends back home grieving, I’m having to deal with this. Terrible day.

**UPDATE** Apparently the post with the 3 second video has been deleted by the person who put it up. Ummm… thank you???

Author: campea

John is an online film pundit and is formerly the creator, Exec Producer and Head Of Programing for Complex Network's Collider Video as well as AMC Movie News for AMC Theatres. A massive fan of tech, Mixed Martial Arts and poker, when John's not in a movie theatre you can catch him on his twitter and facebook accounts at @JohnCampea

8 thoughts on “My Old Transformers 2 Review”

  1. I should say f..k them, f..k them all, they don`t deserve to be mentioned, they`re just some morons with no lives, just lingering on Internet, trying to be noticed by someone so they can lie themselves their lives worth anything. That`s it, they`re nothing more than just a speck of contagious dust. I am sorry for your loss, but don`t give them the attention they seek.


  2. you’re a good man, john campea….apart from your skills on movie talk and such, i’ve always found you to a fair and honest bloke with a winning personality, as i’ve watched your reviews since the beginning of AMC…..for every dumb troll, there are 1000 fans who think you’re a sound fella….sorry to hear about your friend…hope the pain gets easier soon…………..dom browne, ireland

    Liked by 1 person

  3. there is no point in getting bent out of shape because of trolls like this. i’ve been listening to your show for almost 4 years now and I have never heard you say one offensive word or phrase to anyone, unless they’re some idiotic troll or some intolerant asshole. your rep is safe with those who have seen your show and appreciate the work you do. condolences on the passing of your friend and keep your head up.


  4. I’m glad the video has been taken down John and I’m really sorry you had to deal with this BS just now. I regularly disagree with you on just about everything (movie-related) but I’ve never found you to be anything but a genuine and sincere bloke. Your passion for the things (and people) that you love can sometimes lead you into trouble but ultimately, that is a quality I would laud rather than deride. Keep your head up chief and don’t let the fu*kers get ya down 😀


  5. I can understand this. No one likes being misrepresented so it made sense to address it so people can hear how things actually went.

    Sorry to hear about your friend passing away. It sucks to lose people that are close to us. Hopefully the family is holding up well.


  6. Soo sorry for all the drama. Praying Gods peace and comfort for you and your family. Take care of yourself. May the Force be with you.Always.


    1. How anyone can take seriously an edited 3 second video seriously is beyond me. It’s obviously slandering. I can edit a speech from Churchill and make it appear as if he supported the Nazis!

      Onto the main point. I just wanted to show my support for John, who has been a great source of information and entertainment via collider and his channel. You are going through some turbulent times, although I can’t help you much about that i can at least say Thank you John Campea.


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